The 21st of October 2021 Redeemed presented the album ‘Your Loss Will Be Remembered’ for the first time live. A releaseshow was held in Hedon, Zwolle. The report about this evening can be found via:–Your-Loss-Will-Be-Remembered..html

The 8th of October 2021 3voor12 Overijssel published an interview with Redeemed, in which Redeemed explains the storyline and reasoning behind the album “Your Loss Will Be Remembered”. The full article can be read here:–redeemed-bezingt-gevoelsmatig-gespleten-persoonlijkheid-in–stranger-to-myself~.html

The 8th of September 2021 3voor12 Overijssel published an article about the song “Stranger to Myself” off of the album “Your Loss Will Be Remembered”. The full article can be read here:–redeemed-bezingt-gevoelsmatig-gespleten-persoonlijkheid-in–stranger-to-myself~.html

The 14th of August 2021 Redeemed talked with Martine ten Klooster, DJ for NPO Radio 2, about his latest single ‘Head in the Clouds’. The feature/interview can be listened to via the following link [1:44:33]:

Redeemed was interviewed by NPO KX host Lara Lauwigi on the 12th of July 2021 about the single ‘Head in the Clouds’ off of the album ‘Your Loss Will Be Remembered’. The press-item and video can be found via the following link: